Our own Operations - Scope 1 and 2
In our own operations, including factories and offices, we generate approximately 2% of our business’ total carbon emissions. This is mostly from natural gas (Scope 1) and indirect emissions associated with the purchased electricity (Scope 2). To reduce our emissions we’re focused on identifying and implementing energy savings and manufacturing efficiencies, as well as switching to renewable energy.
We have already implemented a number of efficiencies across our two main manufacturing sites, Andover in the UK and Swarzedz in Poland, including installing LED lighting and solar panels. In the UK, we have upgraded our chiller and dust extraction systems, added two voltage power optimisation units to drive energy savings and installed a new robotic palletiser system, which requires 75% less energy than the previous system.
In Swarzedz, we have implemented a trigeneration system that converts natural gas to electricity, which is less carbon-intensive and provides a significant portion of the site's power needs. When fully operational it is estimated that the panels and trigeneration system can supply up to 30% of the energy required to power our Polish sites. For the remaining energy needed across our own operations, the businesses is looking to transition to renewable energy providers, including wind and hydropower.
Our supply chain - Scope 3
In our supply chain, where the vast majority of our emissions are, we are collaborating with our suppliers to reduce our Scope 3 emissions. We are engaging with key suppliers to support their efforts in reducing carbon emissions and are planning to conduct bespoke Life Cycle Assessments, starting with our largest tea suppliers. These assessments will focus on site-level factors such as: existing reduction plans, renewable energy usage, farm inputs, regenerative farming practices, and soil management. By understanding suppliers' carbon footprints, we aim to provide targeted support and drive emissions reductions across the supply chain.
We’re also working hard to minimise our packaging materials, using less and where possible using more sustainable alternatives, increasing the recycled content and removing single-use plastic, and in doing so also making sure more of our packaging is recyclable, reuseable and our teabags compostable. We have already made progress but recognise that there is always more work to be done.
Logistics account for a minimal portion of our Scope 3 emissions, as raw ingredients are shipped from sourcing countries to production sites rather than being air-freighted. However, we are working on optimising product transportation to customers by minimising the use of empty trucks, using jumbo trailers to reduce the number of journeys, shifting from road freight to rail freight, and exploring alternative fuels.