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sku 100017940 Net Weight 264

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The lychee, native to Hainan Island in southern China goes back as far as 2000BC; once a delicacy in the Chinese imperial court, it was in such demand that a special courier of horses would deliver it to the emperor. We've taken the flavour of this sweet, pink and white fruit and blended it together with the tropical taste of mango and our delicate, golden green tea. Take a sip and let it transport you to your own imperial court.

More About This Product


Green tea with mango and lychee flavours.

Green Tea, Natural Flavourings (11%)

Sustainability & Sourcing

Sustainability Our teabags are biodegradable** so pop them in the food waste bin, if you have one. Our cartons are recyclable; our foil wrap can be recycled at larger supermarkets. **Our teabags are certified industrially compostable.

All Natural Flavours This blend contains all natural flavourings.

Sugar Free This blend is sugar free.

Sourced with Care We are working to help improve the quality of life of the communities who grow our teas & herbs. We aim to drive positive change through empowering women, supporting incomes & improving living standards.